Lone Star College has been a member of the National Community College Benchmark Project since 2009. We have come to rely on the breadth and depth of the data and resources provided by NCCBP as a key source of comparative information. NCCPB data is trustworthy, robust and valuable.

Dr. Lee Ann Nutt
Lone Star College-Tomball

The National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP) is the foremost resource for community colleges in the assessment of core indicators of institutional effectiveness.  The NCCBP provides an easy-to-use tool for community colleges to conduct peer comparisons on leading measures of effectiveness and has been a key component of our performance measurement activities.

Soon O. Merz
Vice President, Effectiveness and Accountability
Austin Community College

It isn't enough to show that your college is improving service to students. We must show that we are improving as fast as or faster than our peers across the nation. Participation in the NCCBP has been the foundation for our 10-year strategic plan. The NCCBP provides Des Moines Area Community College with accurate, comparative data on many key indicators of student success including retention and persistence rates, graduation rate, developmental education outcomes, staffing levels, and many others that we use to create our institutional scorecard. Many other initiatives have come and gone, but we always return to the NCCBP for what we need.

Rob Denson
Des Moines Area Community College

We have found the NCCBP data to be most useful in preparing our Systems Portfolio for the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP), our institutional accreditation pathway with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).  The HLC requires evidence not only of our own outcomes, but how we compare with other colleges.  I know that our responses are complete because of the comparisons provided by the NCCBP.

Dr. Jennifer A. Spielvogel
Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs
Terra State Community College

NCCBP has been a valuable resource for analyzing regional data.  The institutional ranking  and percentile comparisons identified significant economic challenges facing our students.  Currently, we are using the data as a foundation for formulating regional policy to address these issues.

Ryan R. Johnson
Director of  Institutional Research
Ivy Tech Community College-East Central Region

The National Community Benchmark Project (NCCBP) has been an invaluable resource for benchmarking and improving institutional effectiveness. Academic Program Review, Governing Board Monitoring Reports, and Student Success Dashboards are just a few of the areas where we have incorporated NCCBP data.

Tom Hughes
Director, Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Yavapai College